法國 波爾多金龍船葡萄酒 3支套裝 [送芬蘭 水神維拉母有氣礦泉水]

  • 法國 波爾多金龍船葡萄酒 3支套裝
  • 法國 波爾多金龍船 紅酒 2021, 750ml X2 
  • 法國 波爾多金龍船 白酒 2020, 750ml X1
  • FREE 即送天然[有氣]礦泉水, 330ml x 2 (玻璃樽)


57% off



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About Grand Reyne, AOC Bordeaux France 關於法國・波爾多金龍船


  • “Steering towards a fertile land to discover the most precious treasure under the golden petals”
  • Symbolizing luck, prosperity and victory, the emblematic dragon ship with a golden head of Grand Reyne, sails past Garonne, a well-known river, steering towards a fertile land in Bordeaux, France to discover the most precious treasure on the land and bring the finest taste that is being proud of.
  • The wine estate was established in Bordeaux where the vines have benefited from unique terroir with optimal climatic and geological conditions. The mix of clay and limestone soil possess rich minerals that immensely favours the growth of vines. With ambient temperature, sufficient sunlight exposure and stable rainfall, great wines are hence produced.
  • The creations of Grand Reyne are made with the famous Bordeaux blend. The rouge features merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon while blanc features Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon, offering the authentic flavor from South West France.
  • Renowned for its absolute mastery of traditional winemaking craftsmanship, Grand Reyne perpetuates the tradition while adding a touch of modern flair to continue to strive for excellence to amaze more people from different corners of the world with unique taste of wine.
  • 「揚帆啟航,全速前往一片肥沃的土地,發掘閃爍黃金花瓣下最珍貴的寶藏。」
  • 象徵著幸運、繁榮和勝利的法國波爾多金龍船,船頭飾以耀眼金黃的龍頭,銳利的目光引領方向,穿梭著名的加龍河(Garonne),往波爾多區的一片肥沃土地前進,發掘最珍貴的寶藏,為大家帶來引以為傲的上乘佳釀。
  • 金龍船酒莊位於波爾多,波爾多完美無瑕的「風土」提供最佳的氣候和地理條件,混合了粘土和石灰石的土壤蘊含豐富的礦物質,加上恰到好處的溫度,充足的陽光及雨水有利整個葡萄生長過程,釀製出優質葡萄酒。
  • Grand Reyne的葡萄酒均採用經典的「波爾多混釀」製成。紅酒以梅洛和赤霞珠為主,而白酒則以長相思和賽美蓉為主,兩款葡萄酒結構良好口感柔順,絲滑,適合配搭多元化的食物,成為法國西南部人最喜愛的口味。
  • Grand Reyne憑藉精湛的傳統釀酒工藝聞名於世,除了保留傳統工藝,還結合現代的科技,致力追求卓越,讓世界各地更多愛酒之士親身感受優越的佳釀體驗。


Grand Reyne, AOC Bordeaux Rouge, 2021, 750ml 法國波爾多AOC酒莊金龍船紅酒

Country 國家 :

France 法國

Region 地區 : AOC Bordeaux AOC 波爾多
Location 地點 : South of Gironde, around 60 km from Bordeaux Gironde 南部,距離波爾多市約 60 公里
Terroir 土壤 : Clay and Limestone 黏土及石灰岩
Grape Variety 葡萄 : 60% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Cabernet Franc 60% 梅洛, 30% 赤霞珠, 10% 品麗珠
Maturing 陳釀 : 6 months in stainless steel vats 不銹鋼桶中陳釀 6 個月
Tasting Notes 酒評 : Medium bodied. It has a nice shining plum colour, along with an elegant nose of fresh ripe raspberry and black cherry. The mouth is supple, silky and delicately mingles fruity and roasted aromas. A pleasant wine, well structured. 這款酒具有清新的紅色水果,帶有優雅的香氣。 口感柔順,絲滑,微妙地混合果香和烤香。 宜人的葡萄酒,結構良好
Serving 飲用建議 : Best served with meat and cheese, between 15-18°C 適合配襯肉類及芝士,15-18°C 飲用
Storage 存放方法 : In a cool and dark place. This wine can be drunk now, but will further develop if carefully stored for up to 3 years from bottle. Once opened, consume within 2 days. 存放在陰涼地方,避免太陽直射。可即時飲用或保存 3 年,開封後請於 2 天內飲用。


Grand Reyne, AOC Bordeaux Blanc, 2020, 750ml 法國波爾多AOC酒莊金龍船白酒


Country 國家 :

France 法國

Region 地區 : AOC Bordeaux AOC 波爾多
Location 地點 : South of Gironde, around 60 km from Bordeaux Gironde 南部,距離波爾多市約 60 公里
Terroir 土壤 : Clay and Limestone 黏土及石灰岩
Grape Variety 葡萄 : 70% Sauvignon Blanc, 30% Semillon 70%長相思, 30% 賽美蓉
Maturing 陳釀 : 6 months in stainless steel vats 不銹鋼桶中陳釀 6 個月
Tasting Notes 酒評 : Fresh notes of Sauvignon, citrus and white flower flavours. 清新宜人的長相思,柑橘和白花的芳香氣息
Serving 飲用建議 : Best served with crisps, poultry and cheese, between 8-12°C 適合配襯脆片、家禽及芝士,8-12°C 飲用
Storage 存放方法 : In a cool and dark place. This wine can be drunk now, but will further develop if carefully stored for up to 3 years from bottle. Once opened, consume within 2 days. 存放在陰涼地方,避免太陽直射。可即時飲用或保存 3 年,開封後請於 2 天內飲用。

您必須確認您已年滿18歲方能購買此產品。 送貨到指定地點須有18歲或以上的人在場接收,否則會取消送貨安排,須另外約時間交付。

By placing an order, you must confirm that you are 18 years old or above. A person aged 18 or above must be present to take delivery, otherwise delivery shall be withdrawn and attempt at another agreed time.


Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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  • 速遞送貨方面,貨品將於訂單確認後 2 至 6 個工作天內收到
  • 所有郵寄項目不可指定收貨日期和時段
  • 顧客請於購買時輸入正確的個人資料和地址以便安排運送

ii. 到「Pinewood Wine」門市自取

  • 換領日期︰顧客可於購買後 2 至 30 日內取貨
  • 換領時間︰星期一至五0900-1800
  • 查詢電話︰28730098
  • 門市地址︰紅磡 鶴園東街 4號 恒藝珠寶大廈 8樓808室
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